ANNOTATE Procedure: Starts IDL widget used to interactively annotate images and plots with text and drawings.
ARROW Procedure: Draws line with an arrow head.
AXIS Procedure: Draws an axis of the specified type and scale at a given position.
BAR_PLOT Procedure: Creates a bar graph.
BOX_CURSOR Procedure: Emulates operation of a variable-sized box cursor.
CONVERT_COORD: Transforms coordinates to and from coordinate systems.
CONTOUR Procedure: Draws a contour plot.
CROSSP: Sets the various system variables required to define a coordinate system and a 3-D view.
CURSOR Procedure: Reads position of the interactive graphics cursor.
CVTTOBM: Creates a bitmap byte array for a button label.
DEFROI: Defines an irregular region of interest of an image using the image display system and the cursor and mouse.
DEVICE Procedure: Sets to plot in device coordinates.
DRAW_ROI Procedure: Draws a region or group of regions to the current Direct Graphics device.
EMPTY Procedure: Empties the graphics output buffer.
ERASE Procedure: Erases the screen of the current graphics device, or starts a new page if the device is a printer.
ERRPLOT Procedure: Plots error bars over a previously drawn plot.
FLICK Procedure: Causes the display to flicker between two output images at a given rate.
FORMAT_AXIS_VALUES: Formats numbers as strings for use as axis values.
IMAGE_STATISTICS: Overlays an image with a contour plot.
LABEL_REGION: Consecutively labels all of the regions, or blobs, of a bi-level image with a unique region index.
LOADCT Procedure: Loads a pre-defined color table.
OPLOT Procedure: Plots vector data over a previously drawn plot.
OPLOTERR Procedure: Plots error bars over a previously drawn plot.
PLOT Procedure: Draws a graph of vector arguments.
PLOT_3DBOX Procedure: Plots a function of two variables inside a 3-D box.
PLOTERR Procedure: plots individual data points with error bars.
PLOTS Procedure: Plots vectors and points.
POLAR_CONTOUR Procedure: Draws a contour plot from data in polar coordinates.
POLY: Interpolates a surface from polar coordinates (R, Theta, Z) to rectangular coordinates (X, Y, Z).
POLYFILL Procedure: Fills the interior of a polygon.
POLYSHADE Procedure: Creates a shaded-surface representation of one or more solids described by a set of polygons.
PROFILER: Extracts a profile from an image.
PS_SHOW_FONTS: Interactively examines image profiles.
PROJECT_VOL Procedure: Returns a two-dimensional image that is the projection of a 3-D volume of data onto a plane (similar to an X-ray).
RDPIX Procedure: Interactively displays the X position, Y position, and pixel value at the cursor.
SCALE3 Procedure: Sets up transformation and scaling parameters for basic 3-D viewing.
SCALE3D Procedure: Scales the 3-D unit cube (a cube with the length of each side equal to 1) into the viewing area.
SETENV: Sets the output device used by the Direct Graphics procedures.
SET_SHADING Procedure: Modifies the light source shading parameters that affect the output of SHADE_SURF and POLYSHADE.
SHADE_SURF Procedure: Creates a shaded-surface representation of a regular or nearly-regular gridded surface.
SHADE_SURF_IRR Procedure: Creates a shaded-surface representation of an irregularly gridded elevation dataset.
SHADE_VOLUME Procedure: Given a 3-D volume and a contour value, produces a list of vertices and polygons describing the contour surface.
SHOW3 Procedure: Combines an image, a surface plot of the image data, and a contour plot of the images data in a single tri-level display.
SURFACE Procedure: draws a representation of a two-dimensional array projected into three dimensions, with hidden lines removed.
THREED Procedure: Plots a 2D array as a pseudo 3D plot.
TV Procedure: Displays an image.
TVCRS Procedure: Manipulates the image display cursor.
TVLCT Procedure: Loads a predefined color table or a color table from specified variables.
TVRD: Returns the contents of the specified rectangular portion of the current graphics window or device.
TVSCL Procedure: Scales and displays an image.
WRITE_BMP: Creates a window for the display of graphics or text.
WSET Procedure: Selects the current window.
WSHOW Procedure: Exposes or hides the designated window.
XYOUTS Procedure: Draws text on currently-selected graphics device.
ZOOM Procedure: Zooms portions of the display.
ZOOM_24 Procedure: Zooms portions of true-color (24-bit) display.