The IDLanROIGroup::ContainsPoints function method determines whether the given points (in data coordinates) are contained within this region group.

The regions within this group must have a TYPE of 2 (closed polygon) and must fall on parallel planes for successful containment testing to occur.

For each point to be tested:

  • If the point lies directly on one of the region planes, it is tested for containment within each of the regions that fall on that plane.
  • If the point lies between two of the region planes, it is projected onto the nearest region plane, and tested for containment within each of the regions on that plane.
  • If the point lies above or below the stack of parallel region planes, the point will be considered to be exterior to the region group.

On a given plane, a point will be considered to be exterior if either of the following conditions are true:

  • The point does not fall within any of the regions on that plane.
  • The point falls within as many or more holes than non-hole regions on that plane.


Result = Obj->[IDLanROIGroup::]ContainsPoints( X[, Y[, Z]] )

Return Value

The return value is a vector of values, one per provided point, indicating whether that point is contained. Valid values within this return vector include:

  • 0 = Exterior. The point lies strictly outside the bounds of the ROI.
  • 1 = Interior. The point lies strictly inside the bounds of the ROI.
  • 2 = On Edge. The point lies on an edge of the ROI boundary.
  • 3 = On Vertex. The point matches a vertex of the ROI.



A vector providing the X components of the points to be tested. If the Y and Z arguments are not specified, X must be a two-dimensional array with the leading dimension either 2 or 3 ([2,*] or [3,*]), in which case, X[0,*] represents the X values, X[1,*] represents the Y values, and X[2,*] represents the Z values.


A vector providing the Y components of the points to be tested.


A scalar or vector providing the Z components of the points to be tested. If not provided, the Z components default to 0.0.



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