The IDLanROI::ComputeGeometry function method computes the geometrical values for area, perimeter, and/or centroid of the region.


Result = Obj->[IDLanROI::]ComputeGeometry( [, AREA=variable] [, CENTROID=variable] [, PERIMETER=variable] [, SPATIAL_OFFSET=vector] [, SPATIAL_SCALE=vector] )

Return Value


This function method returns a 1 for success, or a 0 for failure. Each computed value is returned in the variable name assigned to each keyword.





Set this keyword to a named variable that upon return contains a double-precision floating-point value representing the area of the region. Interior regions (holes) return a negative area.

Note that the computed area represents the geometric area described by the region’s vertex data. A pixel-based area can be computed as follows:

  1. Compute a mask for the region.

    mask = oROI->ComputeMask()
  2. Call IMAGE_STATISTICS to count number of samples within the mask.

    IMAGE_STATISTICS, myImage, MASK = mask, COUNT = nSamples
  3. Compute pixel area.

    pixelArea = nSamples * pixelXSize * pixelYSize


Set this keyword to a named variable that upon return contains a double-precision floating-point vector [x,y,z] representing the centroid for the region. If the TYPE of the region is 0 (points), the centroid is computed as the average of each of the vertices in the region. If the TYPE of the region is 1 (path), the centroid is computed as the weighted average of each of the midpoints of the lines in the region. Weights are proportional to the length of the lines. If the TYPE of the region is 2 (polygon), the centroid is computed as a weighted average of the centroids of the polygons making up the ROI (interior centroids use negative weights). Weights are proportional to the polygon area.


Set this keyword to a named variable that upon return contains a double-precision floating-point value representing the perimeter of the region.


Set this keyword to a two or three-element vector, [tx, ty] or [tx, ty, tz], representing the spatial calibration offset factors to be applied for the geometry calculations. The value of SPATIAL_SCALE is applied before the spatial offset values are applied. The default is [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]. IDL converts and maintains this value in double-precision floating-point.


Set this keyword to a two or three-element vector, [sx, sy] or [sx, sy, sz], representing the spatial calibration scaling factors to be applied for the geometry calculations. The spatial calibration scale is applied first, then the value of SPATIAL_OFFSET is applied. The default is [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]. IDL converts and maintains this value in double-precision floating-point.

Version History

