The IDLffMrSID::GetProperty function method is used to query properties associated with the MrSID image.


Obj->[IDLffMrSID::]GetProperty [, CHANNELS=nChannels] [, DIMENSIONS=Dims] [, LEVELS=Levels] [, PIXEL_TYPE=pixelType] [, TYPE=strType] [, GEO_VALID=geoValid] [, GEO_PROJTYPE=geoProjType] [, GEO_ORIGIN=geoOrigin] [, GEO_RESOLUTION=geoRes]





Set this keyword to a named variable that will contain the number of image bands. For RGB images this is 3, for grayscale it is 1.


Set this keyword equal to a named variable that will contain a two-element long integer array of the form [width, height] that specifies the dimensions of the MrSID image at level 0 (full resolution).


Set this keyword to a named variable that will contain a two-element double precision array of the form [x, y] that specifies the location of the center of the upper-left pixel.


Set this keyword to a named variable that will contain an unsigned integer that specifies the geoTIFF projected coordinate system type code. For example, type code 32613 corresponds to PCS_WGS84_UTM_zone_13N.

For more information on the geoTIFF file type and available type codes see


Set this keyword to a named variable that will contain a two-element double precision array of the form [xres, yres] that specifies the pixel resolution.


Set this keyword to a named variable that will contain a long integer that is set to:

  • 1 - If the MrSID image contains valid georeferencing data.
  • 0 - If the MrSID image does not contain georeferencing data or the data is in an unsupported format.

Note: Always verify that this keyword returns 1 before using the data returned by any other GEO_* keyword.


Set this keyword equal to a named variable that will contain a two-element long integer array of the form [minlvl, maxlvl] that specifies the range of levels within the current image. Higher levels are lower resolution. A level of 0 equals full resolution. Negative values specify higher levels of resolution.


Set this keyword to a named variable that will contain the IDL basic type code for a pixel sample. For a list of the data types indicated by each type code, see the “IDL Type Codes” section of the SIZE function.


Set this keyword to a named variable that will contain a string identifying the file format. This should always be MrSID.


PRO MrSID_GetProperty
; Initialize the MrSID object.
oFile = OBJ_NEW('IDLffMrSID', FILEPATH('test_gs.sid', $
   SUBDIRECTORY = ['examples', 'data']))
; Get the property information of the MrSID file.
oFile->GetProperty, CHANNELS = chan, LEVELS = $
   lvls, Pixel_Type = pType, TYPE = fileType, GEO_VALID = geoQuery
; Print MrSID file information.
PRINT, 'Number of image channels = ', chan
; IDL returns 1 indicating one image band.
PRINT, 'Range of image levels = ', lvls
; IDL returns -9, 4, the minimum and maximum level values.
PRINT, 'Type code of image pixels = ', pType
; IDL returns 1 indicating byte data type.
PRINT, 'Image file type = ', FileType
; IDL returns "MrSID"
PRINT, 'Result of georeferencing data query = ', geoQuery
; IDL returns 0 indicating that the image does not contain
; georeferencing data.
; Destroy object references.

Version History

