The WV_APPLET procedure runs the IDL Wavelet Toolkit graphical user interface.


WV_APPLET, TOOLS=['Renormalize','My Tool']

The above statement will start up the Wavelet Toolkit, and add the user tools 'Renormalize' and 'My Tool' to the Tools menu. When these are selected the actual functions that will be called are WV_TOOL_RENORMALIZE and WV_TOOL_MYTOOL.


WV_APPLET [, Input] [, ARRAY=array] [, GROUP_LEADER=widget_id] [, /NO_SPLASH] [, TOOLS=string array] [, WAVELETS=string or string array]



Input can be either a string giving the name of a Wavelet toolkit save file, or a one- or two-dimensional array of data. If Input is not specified, then the sample file wv_sample.sav is opened. If Input is set to an empty string ('') then the Wavelet toolkit is started with an empty dataset.



Set this keyword to a one- or two-dimensional array of data to be imported into the Wavelet toolkit upon startup. If argument Input is set to a filename then ARRAY will be added to the list of variables.


The widget ID of an existing widget that serves as group leader for the newly-created widget. When a group leader is killed, for any reason, all widgets in the group are also destroyed.

A given widget can be in more than one group. The WIDGET_CONTROL procedure can be used to add additional group associations to a widget. For more information, see WIDGET_CONTROL. It is not possible to remove a widget from an existing group.


If this keyword is set then the splash screen will not be displayed on startup.


A scalar string or vector of strings giving the names of user-defined functions to be included in the WV_APPLET Tools menu. The actual function names are constructed by removing all white space from each name and attaching a prefix of WV_TOOL_.


A scalar string or vector of strings giving the names of user-defined wavelet functions to be included in WV_APPLET. The actual function names are constructed by removing all white space from each name and attaching a prefix of WV_FN_.

Version History



See Also