>  Docs Center  >  Libraries  >  CATALYST  >  ANNOTATEWINDOW






      The purpose of this routine is to allow the user to annotate or make
      measurements on a graphics window. A copy of the graphics window is
      created and placed into an annotation window. The user can create
      various kinds of file output from within the annotation window.
      Select the annotation tool from the tool bar at the top of the annotate
      window. Click and drag in the window to draw the annotation. (The text
      tool requires you to click in the window to start typing. Be sure to
      hit a carriage return at the end of typing to "set" the text in the
      window.) Click anywhere inside the tool to "select" it. Most tools
      allow you to move and edit the shape of the annotation after selection.
      Right click inside a selected annotation to access properties of that
      annotation, such as grouping, moving an annotation forward to backward,
      deleting the object, etc. Click the "Other Properties" button to access
      individual properties for the annotations. For example, if you mis-spelled
      some text, you would click on the text to select it. Right click to access
      it's select menu, select the Other Properties button, and find the text
      field in this pop-up dialog to change the spelling of the text.


        1645 Sheely Drive 18 The Green South
        Fort Collins Warborough, Oxon
        CO 80526 USA OX10 7DN, ENGLAND
        Phone: 970-221-0438 Phone: +44 (0)1865 858279
        E-mail: davidf@dfanning.com E-mail: davidb@burridgecomputing.co.uk


      Catalyst Applications.


      AnnotateWindow, theBackground


      theBackground: This can either be the window index number of a graphics window,
                      or it can be an 8-bit or 24-bit image variable. If this argument
                      is undefined, the program tries to obtain a background image
                      from the current graphics window. Note that if the graphics window
                      contains a black background (the normal situation for many IDL
                      graphics windows), this will be reproduced *exactly* in PostScript
                      output. This is NOT the same as most PostScript output. If you
                      intend to create PostScript output of your annotated window, it
                      may be better to create graphics windows with white backgrounds.
                      Device, Decomposed=0, Get_Decomposed=currentState
                      TVLCT, [0, 255], [0,255], [0, 255], !D.Table_Size-3
                      Plot, findgen(11), Color=!D.Table_Size-3, Background=!D.Table_Size-2
                      Device, Decomposed=currentState


      ADD_OBJECTS: An object, or an array of objects to add to the Annotation Window.
                      Objects added in this fashion will be destroyed when the Annotate window
                      is destroyed.
      BG_COLOR: The name of a background color. This is used only if there is a margin
                      around the background image. By default, "white". The background color
                      will always be "white" if the output is sent to a PostScript file. (See list
                      of color names below.)
      COLOR: The name of the foreground color for the annotations. By default "Light Coral"
                      as something that might contrast enough with any background. (See list
                      of color names below.)
      NOMARGIN: There is a 10% margin added to the background image, unless this keyword
                      is set, in which case the background image will fill the annotation window.
      OUTPUT_FILENAME: The base name of the output filename used in SAVE AS operations. By default, "annotation".
      XRANGE: The TapeMeasure tool will report the distance in normalized coordinate space
                      by default. Use this keyword to specify a two-element array that represents
                      the minimum and maximum X range of the background image.
      YRANGE: The TapeMeasure tool will report the distance in normalized coordinate space
                      by default. Use this keyword to specify a two-element array that represents
                      the minimum and maximum Y range of the background image.
    _EXTRA: Any keywords appropriate for the ANNOTATEINTERACTION object.


      Requires the Catalyst Library from Fanning Software Consulting, Inc., or a catalyst.sav file
      to be restored prior to use. A Catalyst save file may be download from Coyote's Guide to IDL
      Programming. Be sure to download a version compatible with your IDL license.
          http://www.dfanning.com/programs/catalyst.sav (for IDL 6.1 or higher)
      The following color names can be used for the BG_COLOR and COLOR keywords:
          Active Almond Antique White Aquamarine Beige Bisque
            Black Blue Blue Violet Brown Burlywood Cadet Blue
          Charcoal Chartreuse Chocolate Coral Cornflower Blue Cornsilk
          Crimson Cyan Dark Goldenrod Dark Gray Dark Green Dark Khaki
      Dark Orchid Dark Red Dark Salmon Dark Slate Blue Deep Pink Dodger Blue
              Edge Face Firebrick Forest Green Frame Gold
        Goldenrod Gray Green Green Yellow Highlight Honeydew
          Hot Pink Indian Red Ivory Khaki Lavender Lawn Green
      Light Coral Light Cyan Light Gray Light Salmon Light Sea Green Light Yellow
        Lime Green Linen Magenta Maroon Medium Gray Medium Orchid
          Moccasin Navy Olive Olive Drab Orange Orange Red
            Orchid Pale Goldenrod Pale Green Papaya Peru Pink
              Plum Powder Blue Purple Red Rose Rosy Brown
        Royal Blue Saddle Brown Salmon Sandy Brown Sea Green Seashell
          Selected Shadow Sienna Sky Blue Slate Blue Slate Gray
              Snow Spring Green Steel Blue Tan Teal Text
          Thistle Tomato Turquoise Violet Violet Red Wheat
            White Yellow


      To annotate a medical image:
        filename = Filepath(Subdirectory=['examples','data'], 'mr_knee.dcm')
        image = Read_DICOM(filename)
        AnnotateWindow, Rebin(image, 512, 512), XRange=[0,5], YRange=[0,5]
      Remember to right-click on any annotation object to access that objects properties.
      This is the way you would change a mis-spelled text label, add units to a measurement,
      change the color of an annotation object, etc.
      Also remember that you MUST type a carriage return when using the Text Tool to
      "set" the text into the annotation window.

Modification History

      Written by: David W. Fanning, 25 July 2005.
      Improved documentation header. 11 August 2005. DWF.
      Added the ability to add annotation objects on initialization. 1 October 2008. DWF.
      Added the ability to make this a resizeable graphics window. 1 October 2008. DWF.

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