This function will return either the spectral radiance(s) at a
specific wavelength or at a discrete set of wavelengths provided
in an array or it will return the spectrally integrated radiance
across a bandpass specified by the wavelength limits for a
provided absolute temperature.
Calling Sequence
Result = $
BB_RADIANCE( absoluteTemperature, $
wavelength, $
LIMITS=limits, $
A scalar indicating the absolute temperature for
which you would like to compute the spectral or
spectrally-integrated radiance [K].
A scalar or array variable containing the wavelength
or wavelengths for which you would like to compute
the blackbody radiance [microns].
Keyword Parameters
A two-element vector defining the lower and upper
limit of the bandpass for which you would like to
compute the spectrally-integrated radiance [microns].
A scalar indicating the units that the returned
radiance should have, namely
0: W / m^2 / sr / micron (DEFAULT)
1: W / cm^2 / sr / micron
2: mW / m^2 / sr / micron
3: mW / cm^2 / sr / micron
Return Value
Result will contain the spectral or spectrally-integrated blackbody radiance
Side Effects
Modification History
Written by: Carl Salvaggio
December, 2008 Original code
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