>  Docs Center  >  Libraries  >  Markwardt  >  CMSAVEDIR






  Craig B. Markwardt, NASA/GSFC Code 662, Greenbelt, MD 20770


  Display a directory of the variables in an IDL SAVE file.

Calling Sequence

  CMSAVEDIR, filename [, /VERBOSE, /QUIET, ... ]


  CMSAVEDIR will display a listing of the variables and other
  objects stored in an IDL SAVE file.
  For command-line users the primary function of CMSAVEDIR will be
  to find out what data is stored in a file and when it was saved.
  For that, they simply need to type: CMSAVEDIR, 'myfile.sav'
  CMSAVEDIR also offers a number of features for programmers.
  CMSAVEDIR essentially interrogates the save file and discovers the
  numbers, names and types of each of the variables stored in the
  file. Programmers can use that information to decide whether or
  how to open a file using the other routines in the CMSVLIB.
  Various keyword parameters are used return this information, as
  documented below.
  Research Systems, Inc. has issued a separate license intended
  to resolve any potential conflict between this software and the
  IDL End User License Agreement. The text of that license
  can be found in the file LICENSE.RSI, included with this
  software library.


  -- File Format --
  CMSAVEDIR cannot examine compressed save files, or files larger
  than 2 gigabytes.
  This procedure is part of the CMSVLIB SAVE library for IDL by
  Craig Markwardt. You must have the full CMSVLIB core package
  installed in order for this procedure to function properly.


  FILENAME - a scalar string, the name of the file to be examined.


  VERBOSE - if set, print more detailed information about the input file.
  QUIET - if set, then do not print any output. Programmers can use
          this keyword to allow CMSAVEDIR to return information
          about the file silently.
  STATUS - upon output, 1 for success, otherwise to indicate
  ERRMSG - upon output, if a failure occurs, a message describing
            the error condition.
  N_VARIABLES - upon output, the number of variables in the file.
  VAR_NAMES - upon output, contains a string array of the names of
              the variables stored in the file.
  TYPES - upon output, an 11xN_VARIABLES array containing the SIZE
          information of each variable in the file.
  N_PRO - upon output, the number of procedures stored in the file.
  PRO_NAMES - upon output, the names of the procedures stored in the
              file, as a string array.
  N_FUNCTION - upon output, the number of functions stored in the
  FUNC_NAMES - upon output, the names of the functions stored in the
                file, as a string array.
  NAMED_STRUCTS - upon output, a string array listing any named
                  structures which appear in the SAVE file.
  NAMED_CLASSES - upon output, a string array listing any named
                  class structures which appear in the SAVE file.
  TIMESTAMP - upon output, contains the timestamp record information
              in a structure. The fields of the structure are:
                    SAVE_DATE - string - date saved
                    SAVE_USER - string - user who saved file
                    SAVE_HOST - string - host name on which file
  VERSION - upon output, contains the version record information in
            a structure. The fields of the structure are:
                    FORMAT_VERSION - integer - major format version
                    ARCH - string - saving host's !VERSION.ARCH
                    OS - string - saving host's !VERSION.OS
                    RELEASE - string - saving host's !VERSION.RELEASE
  NOTICE - upon output, contains any textual notice included within
            the file. The fields of the structure are:
                    TEXT - string - text of the notice
  FORCE - if set, will force CMSAVEDIR to open the file even if it
          detects a potential incompatibility.


  IDL> cmsavedir, 'int_str_intarr.sav'
  ** int_str_intarr.sav
  ** Sun Apr 9 20:28:25 2000 (craigm@beach.gsfc.nasa.gov)
  ** IDL v5.2 (linux)
    A INT = 0
    B STRING = 'hello'
    C INT = Array[3]
  ** 3 variable(s), 0 heap value(s) and 0 procedure(s) in 1376 bytes

See Also


Modification History

  Documented, 12 Jan 2001, CM
  Added USAGE message, 09 Jun 2001, CM
  Fixed bug in printing common variables, 17 Mar 2002, CM
  Added notification about RSI License, 13 May 2002, CM
  Added NOTICE record type, 09 Jun 2003, CM

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