>  Docs Center  >  Libraries  >  Daithi  >  CW_AXIS_SELECT






      This compound widget provides an interface for selecting points
      along multiple axes. It was written to be used as an aid for
      the analysis of gridded data.


Compound widgets

Calling Sequence

widget = CW_Axis_Select(parent,numaxes, axes, b_labels, s_labels)


      PARENT - The ID of the parent widget.
      NUMAXES - The number of axes
      AXES - A pointer array where each element points to an
                  array of values corresponding to points along an
                  axis the pointee arrays can be of any type.
      B_LABELS - Labels corresponding to the names of the axes.
                  These should be short to make the overall widget as
                  compact as possible.
      S_LABELS - Labels to be used on each slider. There is one
                  slider per axis. Labels could include a name and
                  units. (ex. 'Longitude (deg.):')

Keyword Parameters

UVALUE - Supplies the user value for the widget.
      UNAME - Supplies the user name for the widget.


      The ID of the created widget is returned.

Side Effects

  This widget generates event structures with the following
  Tag_Names(event,/STRUCTURE) will return 'AXIS_SELECT_SLIDER'
  event = { ID:0L, TOP:0L, HANDLER:0L, CUR_AXIS:0, SLIDER_VALUE:0 }
  Tag_Names(event,/STRUCTURE) will return 'AXIS_SELECT_BUTTON'
  event = { ID:0L, TOP:0L, HANDLER:0L, CUR_AXIS:0, SELECT:0 }

Common Blocks



      You can set or get the value of this compound widget using
      calls to Widget_Control.
WIDGET_CONTROL, id, SET_VALUE=value can be used to change the
current value displayed by the widget.
WIDGET_CONTROL, id, GET_VALUE=var can be used to obtain the current
value displayed by the widget.
  value is always a structure of the form: { axis:1, index:1 }
  where axis is an integer (0 to num_axes-1) and index is the slider position.

Modification History

    Written by: Edward C. Wiebe, 2002-09-18

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