General File Access

APP_USER_DIR: Provide access to the application user directory.

APP_USER_DIR_QUERY: Locate existing application user directories.

DIALOG_PICKFILE: Create a native file-selection dialog.

FILE_BASENAME: Return the final segment of a file path.

FILE_CHMOD: Change file or directory access permissions.

FILE_COPY: Copy files or directories to a new location.

FILE_DELETE: Remove files or empty directories.

FILE_DIRNAME: Return the directory name of a file path.

FILE_EXPAND_PATH: Return a fully-qualified path.

FILE_INFO: Return status information about a file.

FILE_LINES: Return the number of lines of text in a file.

FILE_LINK: Create Unix file links.

FILE_MKDIR: Create a new directory or directories.

FILE_MOVE: Rename files or directories.

FILE_POLL_INPUT: Block processing until it detects that a read operation will succeed.

FILE_READLINK: Return the path pointed to by a Unix symbolic link.

FILE_SAME: Determine if two different file names refer to the same file.

FILE_SEARCH: Return the names of all files matching an input path.

FILE_TEST: Test a file or directory for existence and other attributes.

FILE_WHICH: Return the first file found by searching a specified path.

FILEPATH: Return the full path to a file in the IDL distribution.

FSTAT: Return information about a specified file unit.

PATH_SEP: Return the file path separator character for the current operating system.

Compressed File Formats

FILE_GZIP: Compress a file or files using the GZIP format.

FILE_GUNZIP: Uncompress a file or files using the GZIP format.

FILE_TAR: Create a TAR file from files and directories.

FILE_UNTAR: Untar a TAR file containing multiple files and directories.

FILE_ZIP: Create a ZIP file from files and directories.

FILE_UNZIP: Unzip a ZIP file containing multiple files and directories.

ZLIB_COMPRESS: Compress an in-memory array to a ZLIB stream.

ZLIB_UNCOMPRESS: Uncompress a ZLIB stream into an array.

Image Data Formats

Note: Also see Query Routines.

DIALOG_READ_IMAGE: Present a dialog for reading image files.

DIALOG_WRITE_IMAGE: Present a dialog for writing image files.

IDLffDICOM: An object that reads a DICOM part 10 file.

IDLffJPEG2000: An object that reads or writes JPEG2000 files.

IDLffMJPEG2000: Create and play Motion JPEG2000 files.

IDLffMrSID: Query and load image data from a MrSID image file.

IDLffVideoWrite: Write images and audio to a video file.

READ_BMP: Read Microsoft Windows bitmap files (.BMP).

READ_DICOM: Read DICOM image files.

READ_GIF: Read GIF files.

READ_IMAGE: Read an image from a file.

READ_INTERFILE: Read Interfile (v3.3) files.

READ_JPEG: Read JPEG files.

READ_JPEG2000: Read JPEG 2000 files.

READ_MRSID: Read MrSID files.

READ_PICT: Read Mac PICT (version 2) files.

READ_PNG: Read Portable Network Graphics (PNG) files.

READ_PPM: Read PGM (gray scale) or PPM files.

READ_SRF: Read Sun Raster Format files.

READ_TIFF: Read TIFF files.

READ_VIDEO: Read video/audio files.

READ_X11_BITMAP: Read X11 bitmap files.

READ_XWD: Read X Windows Dump files.

WRITE_BMP: Write Microsoft Windows bitmap files (.BMP).

WRITE_GIF: Write GIF files.

WRITE_IMAGE: Write an image and its color table to a file.

WRITE_JPEG: Write JPEG files.

WRITE_JPEG2000: Write JPEG 2000 files.

WRITE_NRIF: Write NCAR Raster Interchange Format rasterfiles.

WRITE_PICT: Write Mac PICT (version 2) files.

WRITE_PNG: Write Portable Network Graphics (PNG) files.

WRITE_PPM: Write PPM (true-color) or PGM (gray scale) files.

WRITE_SRF: Write Sun Raster File (SRF) files.

WRITE_TIFF: Write TIFF files.

WRITE_VIDEO: Write video and audio files.

HDF, NetCDF, and CDF Formats

H5_BROWSER: Open a dialog to view an HDF5 file.

H5_PARSE: Return an IDL structure or ordered hash containing object information and data from an HDF5 file.

HDF_PARSE: Return an ordered hash containing object information and data from an HDF4 file.

HDF Routines: Hierarchical Data Format routines.

HDF5 Routines: Hierarchical Data Format routines (version 5).

HDF_BROWSER: Open a dialog to view an HDF, HDF-EOS, or NetCDF file.

EOS Routines: HDF-EOS (Hierarchical Data Format-Earth Observing System) routines.

HDF_READ: Extract HDF, HDF-EOS, and NetCDF data and metadata into an output structure.

NetCDF Routines: Network Common Data Format routines.

CDF Routines: Common Data Format routines.

GRIB Formats

GRIB Routines: Read and write GRIdded Binary (GRIB) 1 and GRIB 2 files.

Video Input/Output


IDLffVideoRead: Open and read video and audio files.

IDLffVideoWrite: Create a video and audio file.


QUERY_VIDEO: Obtains information about a video/audio file.

READ_VIDEO: Read video/audio files.

WRITE_VIDEO: Create video/audio files.

Other Data Formats

ASCII_TEMPLATE: A dialog that generates templates for reading ASCII files.

ASDF_PARSE: Read data from an ASDF (Advanced Scientific Data Format) file.

ASDF_WRITE: Write data out to an ASDF (Advanced Scientific Data Format) file.

BINARY_TEMPLATE: A dialog that generates templates for reading binary files.

JSON_PARSE: Convert a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) string.

JSON_SERIALIZE: Convert a HASH or LIST into a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) string.

IDLffShape: Contains geometry, connectivity and attributes for graphics primitives accessed from ESRI Shapefiles.

IDLffXMLDOM Classes* - Classes that provide support for IDL’s XML Document Object Model (DOM).

IDLffXMLSAX: Represents an XML SAX level 2 parser.

IDLgrVRML: Save the contents of an Object Graphics hierarchy into a VRML file.

READ_ASCII: Read data from an ASCII file.

READ_BINARY: Read data from a binary file.

READ_CSV: Read data from an comma-delimited text file.

READ_SYLK: Read data from a Symbolic Link file.

READ_WAV: Read audio stream from a WAV file.

READ_WAVE: Read a Wavefront Advanced Visualizer file.

WRITE_CSV: Write a comma-separated-values file.

WRITE_SYLK: Write a SYLK (Symbolic Link) file.

WRITE_WAV: Write an audio stream to a WAV file.

WRITE_WAVE: Write a Wavefront Advanced Visualizer file.

YAML_PARSE: Convert a YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) string or file.

YAML_SERIALIZE: Convert a HASH, LIST, or IDL variable into a YAML string.

General Input/Output

ASSOC: Associate an array structure with a file.

CLIPBOARD: Provide access to the system clipboard.

CLOSE: Close the specified file.

COPY_LUN: Copy data between two open files.

EOF: Test a file for the end-of-file condition.

FLUSH: Flush file unit buffers.

FOLDERWATCH: Monitors folders for changes and invokes a user-defined callback when a change occurs.

FREE_LUN: Free previously-reserved file units.

GET_KBRD: Get one input character.

GET_LUN: Reserve a logical unit number (file unit).

IOCTL: Perform special functions on UNIX files.

OPENR: Open a file for reading.

OPENU: Open a file for updating.

OPENW: Open a file for writing.

POINT_LUN: Set or get the current file pointer position.

PRINT: Write formatted output to the screen.

PRINTF: Write formatted output to a file.

READ: Read formatted input from the keyboard.

READF: Read formatted input from a file.

READS: Read formatted input from a string variable.

READU: Read unformatted binary data from a file.

SEM_CREATE: Create a semaphore in the current process.

SEM_DELETE: Destroy a semaphore.

SEM_LOCK: Attempt to gain the lock on an existing semaphore.

SEM_RELEASE: Release the lock on a semaphore.

SHMMAP: Map shared memory or local disk files into the memory address space.

SHMUNMAP: Remove a shared memory segment.

SHMVAR: Create an IDL array variable that uses shared memory.

SKIP_LUN: Read data in an open file and move the file pointer.

SOCKET: Open a client-side TCP/IP socket as an IDL file unit.

TRUNCATE_LUN: Truncate an open file at the current file pointer location.

WRITEU: Write unformatted binary data to a file.