>  Docs Center  >  Libraries  >  Motley  >  MGH_DATAMATOR__DEFINE






  A window for displaying & managing picture sequences.


      Widgets, Object Graphics.


  The following properties (ie keywords to the Init, GetProperty &
  SetProperty methods) are supported:
    BUFFER_RESOLUTION (Init, Get, Set)
      Resolution for off-screen buffers, used by
      WritePictureToClipboard, WritePictureToImageFile and
      WritePictureToVRML methods.
    CHANGEABLE (Init, Get)
      This property determines whether the ANIMATION property can be
      changed once it has been first set. It is 1 (on) by default;
      it should be set to 0 when the MGH_Datamator is to be used in
      a composite application which needs to ensure that the
      ANIMATION is not changed behind its back.
    DISPLAY (Init, Get, Set)
      This property specifies whether the Display (aka Draw) method
      will be called (to display the current frame) when the AddItem
      method is called. The default is 1 (to display). There are two
      reasons why it might be appropriate to set DISPLAY to zero:
        * To improve load time (sometimes by a large margin) at the
        cost of user feedback.
        * To inhibit display of partial frames, when the animation
        contains more than one sequence. In this case the Display
        method can be called once the new frame has been completely
    DIMENSIONS (Init, Get, Set)
      A 2-element array specifying the width & height of the
      graphics window. If the picture and the window are both
      "fittable" (see FITTABLE keyword) then UNITS & DIMENSIONS are
      taken from the picture.
    FITTABLE (Init, Get)
      This property determines whether the window will try to resize
      itself to fit the graphics tree. Default is 1 (try to fit) by
      default. For a fit to occur, the picture must also be
      fittable, as determined by the MGH_PICTURE_IS_FITTABLE
    FINISHED (Init, Get, Set)
      This is a flag specifying whether the loading of frames into
      the animation has finished. The value can be set via a menu
      item. It is recommended that the routine controlling the
      animator should check the value of this flag regularly via the
      Finished method and skip the remaining frames if the flag has
      been set.
    GRAPHICS_TREE (Init, Get, Set)
      A reference to the graphics tree that is drawn when the
      animator's Draw method is called. The graphics tree object is
      contained in the ANIMATION object. When the GRAPHICS_TREE
      object is changed, then other aspects of the animator's
      state are chacked to ensure they are consistent with it.
    MOUSE_ACTION (Init, Get, Set)
      A 3-element string array specifying the mouse handler object
      to be associated with each mouse button. Mouse press, release
      & motion events which originate from the draw widget are sent
      to "mouse handler" objects, one handler per mouse button. The
      SetProperty method is responsible for managing these
      objects. Each time a new value of MOUSE_ACTION is passed to
      SetProperty this method destroys all existing mouse handlers
      then creates a new set according to rules hard-wired into the
    MOUSE_LIST (Init, Get)
      This property is a string array that defines the set of values
      available from the "mouse action" droplists on the status
      bar. Note that this property affects the user interface
      only. It does not affect the range of permissible values for
      the elements of MOUSE_ACTION--these values are determined by
      the code in SetProperty.
    N_FRAMES (Get)
      The number of frames currently managed by the animator. This
      property (which is inherited from MGH_Animator) is stored in
      the object structure. It is Updateed as necessary by the
      CountFrames method, which determines it from the animation's
      COUNT property.
    RESIZEABLE (Init, Get)
      This property controls what action is taken in response to
      resize events. Valid values are:
        0: Base resizing does not change the window or picture
        1: Base resizing changes the window & picture dimensions.
        2: Base resizing changes the window & picture dimensions in
        such a way that the aspect ratio is preserved. This is the
        default. The resizing of the window interacts with the
        automatic fitting of the window to the picture, in a way
        that depends on whether the picture is fittable
        (i.e. function MGH_PICTURE_IS_FITTABLE returns 1) and
        whether the window is fittable (FITTABLE property is 1).
      Taken from the graphics window.
    TITLE (Get)
      The title, which appears in the title bar, is calculated from
      the animation name.
    UNITS (Init, Get, Set)
      Units for the DIMENSIONS.
    VISIBLE (Init, Set)
      Set this property to 1 to make the window visible, 0 to make
      it invisible.
  ... and many more.


  Include the following
    Finish (Procedure)
      Set the FINISHED property to 1. This method should be called
      when loading of frames is completed.
    Finished (Function)
      Check the value of the FINISHED property, after first flushing
      the event queue for the top-level base. A program that is
      adding frames to an MGH_Datamator object should call this
      method before every frame and break out of the loop if it
      returns 1. This gives the user an opportunity to terminate the
      loading of frames.
    WriteAnimationToMovieFile (Procedure):
      Export the animation in bitmap form to a movie file
      (multi-frame image file or zipped collection of images).
    WritePictureToClipboard (Procedure):
    WritePictureToImageFile (Procedure):
    WritePictureToGraphicsFile (Procedure):
    WritePictureToVRML (Procedure):
      Export the current frame of the animation in one of several
      formats. These methods were all copied verbatim from
      MGH_Window--code re-use by cut & paste!
  This software is provided subject to the following conditions:
  1. NIWA makes no representations or warranties regarding the
    accuracy of the software, the use to which the software may
    be put or the results to be obtained from the use of the
    software. Accordingly NIWA accepts no liability for any loss
    or damage (whether direct of indirect) incurred by any person
    through the use of or reliance on the software.
  2. NIWA is to be acknowledged as the original author of the
    software where the software is used or presented in any form.

Modification History

  Mark Hadfield, 2001-06:

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