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3D Visualization

COMPUTE_MESH_NORMALS Computes normal vectors for a set of polygons described by the input array.
CONVERT_COORD Transforms coordinates to and from the coordinate systems supported by IDL.(Direct Graphics)
COORD2TO3 Returns 3D data coordinates given normalized screen coordinates.
CROSSP Sets up 3D transformations.
CV_COORD Converts 2D and 3D coordinates between coordinate systems.
EXTRACT_SLICE Returns 2D planar slice extracted from volume.
FLOW3 Draws lines representing a 3D flow/velocity field.
INTERVAL_VOLUME Generates a tetrahedral mesh from volumetric data.
ISOSURFACE Returns topologically consistent triangles by using oriented tetrahedral decomposition.
IVECTOR Creates an iTool and associated user interface (UI) configured to display and manipulate vector data. (iTools)
IVOLUME Creates an iTool and associated user interface (UI) configured to display and manipulate volume data. (iTools)
MESH_CLIP Clips a polygonal mesh to an arbitrary plane in space and returns a polygonal mesh of the remaining portion.
MESH_DECIMATE Reduces the density of geometry while preserving as much of the original data as possible.
MESH_ISSOLID Computes various mesh properties and enables IDL to determine if a mesh encloses space (is a solid).
MESH_MERGE Merges two polygonal meshes.
MESH_NUMTRIANGLES Computes the number of triangles in a polygonal mesh.
MESH_OBJ Generates a polygon mesh for various simple objects.
MESH_SMOOTH Performs spatial smoothing on a polygon mesh.
MESH_SURFACEAREA Computes various mesh properties to determine the mesh surface area, including integration of other properties interpolated on the surface of the mesh.
MESH_VALIDATE Checks for NaN values in vertices, removes unused vertices, and combines close vertices.
MESH_VOLUME Computes the volume that the mesh encloses.
PARTICLE_TRACE Traces the path of a massless particle through a vector field.
POLYSHADE Creates a shaded surface representation from a set of polygons. (Direct Graphics)
QGRID3 Interpolates the dependent variable values to points in a regularly sampled volume.
QHULL Constructs convex hulls, Delaunay triangulations, and Voronoi diagrams.
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