This routine has been replaced by various conversion methods to ENVICoordSys.
Use this procedure to convert map coordinates from one projection to another. The procedure supports conversion among any ENVI Classic projection types including user-defined. For example, this procedure can convert UTM coordinates to Geographic (latitude and longitude) or between UTM zones.
ENVI_CONVERT_PROJECTION_COORDINATES, iXmap, iYmap, iProj, oXmap, oYmap, oProj [, INPUT_Z=array] [, OUTPUT_Z=variable]
Use this argument to specify the input x map points that will be converted from the iProj projection to the oProj projection. iXmap can be a single value or an array of values.
Use this argument to specify the input y map points that will be converted from the iProj projection to the oProj projection. iYmap can be a single value, or an array of values.
Use this argument to specify the input projection for the iXmap and iYmap points. iProj is a projection structure returned from ENVI_GET_PROJECTION or ENVI_PROJ_CREATE.
Use this argument to specify the output projection for the converted iXmap and iYmap points. oProj is a projection structure returned from ENVI_GET_PROJECTION or ENVI_PROJ_CREATE.
Use this argument to specify a named variable that contains the converted x map points. The oXmap points are the input x map coordinates converted to the oProj projection.
Use this argument to specify a named variable that contains the converted y map points. The oYmap points are the input y map coordinates converted to the oProj projection.
INPUT_Z (optional)
Use this keyword to specify the input elevation values corresponding to each of the input iXmap and iYmap points. Elevation values are used to more accurately convert between different data. INPUT_Z is a floating-point array with the same length as iXmap.
OUTPUT_Z (optional)
Use this keyword to specify a named variable that contains the output elevation values for each of the converted map coordinates. Use OUTPUT_Z only when you specify INPUT_Z.