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Data Control

ENVI_GET_FILE_IDS Returns an array of file IDs for all open ENVI Classic files.
ENVI_OUTPUT_TO_EXTERNAL_FORMAT Outputs image data to external formats.
ENVIAnnotationSet This is a reference to an annotation set, which consists of one or more annotation types in a single layer.
ENVIAnnotationSet::AddArrow Adds an arrow to an annotation set.
ENVIAnnotationSet::AddCircle Adds a circle to an annotation set.
ENVIAnnotationSet::AddPolygon Adds a polygon to an annotation set.
ENVIAnnotationSet::AddPolyline Adds a polyline to an annotation set.
ENVIAnnotationSet::AddRectangle Adds a rectangle to an annotation set.
ENVIAnnotationSet::AddSymbol Adds a symbol to an annotation set.
ENVIAnnotationSet::AddText Adds a text string to an annotation set.
ENVIAnnotationSet::Close Closes an annotation set and removes any associated data from the ENVI session.
ENVIAnnotationSet::Dehydrate Returns a hash describing the ENVIAnnotationSet object.
ENVIAnnotationSet::Hydrate Creates the ENVIAnnotationSet object from its dehydrated form.
ENVIAnnotationSet::Save Saves the current state of an ENVIAnnotationSet to a file.
ENVIBandMaxSubsetRaster Constructs an ENVIRaster from a source raster that has been spectrally subsetted using the BandMax algorithm.
ENVIBandMaxSubsetRaster::Dehydrate Returns a hash describing the ENVIBandMaxSubsetRaster object.
ENVIBandMaxSubsetRaster::Hydrate Creates the object from its dehydrated form.
ENVIBinaryGTThresholdRaster Constructs an ENVIRaster from a source raster where pixel values above a specified threshold are set to 1 and all others are set to 0.
ENVIBinaryGTThresholdRaster::Dehydrate Returns a hash describing this object
ENVIBinaryGTThresholdRaster::Hydrate Creates the object from its dehydrated form
ENVIBinaryLTThresholdRaster Constructs an ENVIRaster from a source raster where pixel values below a specified threshold are set to 1 and all others are set to 0.
ENVIBinaryLTThresholdRaster::Dehydrate Returns a hash describing this object
ENVIBinaryLTThresholdRaster::Hydrate Creates the object from its dehydrated form
ENVICalibrateRaster Constructs an ENVIRaster from a source raster that has been calibrated to radiance, top-of-atmosphere (TOA) reflectance, or brightness temperatures
ENVICalibrateRaster::Dehydrate Returns a hash describing this object
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