This topic describes the fields (also called keys) in a task template for use with ENVI 5.3.2.
Task Keys
The following table describes the keys that provide an overview of the task. The "Mapping to ENVITask Routine" field lists the keys' corresponding ENVITask properties.
Key |
Required |
Description |
Mapping to ENVITask Routine
Yes |
A string with the name of the task, excluding the prefix ENVI and the suffix Task.
Yes |
A string with the name of the class to use; the most common is ENVITaskFromProcedure.
Use ENVIMetatask if you are creating a metatask. See Metatasks for details.
Use ENVIAbortableTaskFromProcedure to allow your custom task to have a progress dialog with an option to cancel the process. See Messaging for details.
You can also write your own base class to simplify the process of writing custom tasks that use a common set of parameters and application behavior. See Custom Base Classes for more information.
No |
The routine that is called when Task.Execute is invoked.
No |
A string with the name of the task as it appears to the end user. Spaces and special characters are allowed. This key is used by tasks that display a dynamic user interface for entering parameters. See ENVIUI::SelectTaskParameters for details.
Yes |
A string with a description of the task.
No |
A string that indicates if raster processing is affected by downsampling before program execution. A value of Yes indicates that the raster can be downsampled before execution, yielding the same result as downsampling the output raster. A value of No means that the raster should not be downsampled before execution.
This key is used by the dynamic task UI to determine Preview accuracy.
No |
A string that indicates if raster processing is affected by subsetting before program execution. For example, your algorithm may rely on statistics of the entire dataset to get accurate results. A value of Yes indicates that the raster can be subsetted before execution. A value of No means that the raster should not be subsetted before execution.
This key is used by the dynamic task UI to determine Preview accuracy.
No |
A string listing the earliest version of ENVI that the task will work with.
No |
A container of key/value pairs, described in the Parameter Keys section next.
Parameter Keys
The following table describes the keys that belong to the parameters group in a task template; these are repeated for each parameter. The "Mapping to ENVITaskParameter" field lists the keys' corresponding property names in ENVITaskParameter.
Key |
Required |
Description |
Mapping to ENVITaskParameter
Yes |
The name of the parameter as it appears to the end user.
No |
The internal keyword that the parameter should map to. If it is the same as the NAME key, then you do not need to set keyword.
No |
The name of the task as it appears to the end user. This key is used by tasks that display a dynamic user interface for entering parameters. See ENVIUI::SelectTaskParameters for details.
Yes |
A scalar string with one of the following:
- IDL data type: Byte, Int, Long, Float, Double, Complex, String, DComplex, UInt, ULong, Long64, or ULong64
- The required class for the parameter (for example, ENVIRaster, ENVIVector, or ENVIROI)
- Boolean type (Bool)
- ENVIURI: Indicates that a string is required that references a local or remote file source.
If the parameter requires more than one scalar, the string contains additional information on array dimensions.
- Example of a three-element array declaration: FLOAT[3]
- Example of a 1D array with any number of elements: INT[*]
- Example of a 2D array with any number of columns or rows: INT[*,*]
- Example of a 2D array with a specific number of elements: BYTE[3,256]
- Example of a 2D array with any number of columns and 3 rows: INT[*,3]
Yes |
Specify if the parameter is input or output. If you define the OUTPUT_RASTER property of an ENVIRaster and set the direction parameter to output, ENVI automatically creates an OUTPUT_RASTER_URI property.
No |
Specify if the parameter is required or optional (default) in order for the task to execute.
Yes |
A description of the parameter.
No |
A string array that lists the possible values for the property. Any IDL data type is supported. You can also map from user-friendly strings to an internal lookup table of values if desired.
No |
The default value of the parameter if the end user does not provide a value.
No |
A value that is greater than or equal to the minimum value allowed for the parameter.
No |
A value that is less than or equal to the maximum value allowed for the parameter.
No |
Set this key to true if the parameter is required for the task but you do not want to expose it to the end user. You must also set the defaultValue key to the desired value for the parameter to be set internally.
Revision History
There were no changes to task templates since the previous release.
See Also
Task Schema History, Sample Task Template, Custom Tasks