Select Input Files
Before you begin:
- The recommended minimum screen resolution is 1152 x 864.
- Copy data to a local directory with write access because temporary files will be created during the orthorectification process and written to the same directory as your data files.
- Input images must be in their native format, filenames, and directory structure, exactly as they are delivered by the data provider. For example, you cannot spatially subset a WorldView-2 GeoTIFF image, rename the subset, save it as a TIFF image, and read it from the Wizard. The imagery must include all associated metadata and ephemeris data.
Follow these steps:
- Use the File > Open or File > Open As menu options in the ENVI menu bar to open images in ENVI before opening them in Rigorous Orthorectification. See Supported Image Formats for a list of supported sensors.
- Select Geometric Correction > Orthorectification > Rigorous Orthorectification from the Toolbox. The ENVI Orthorectification Wizard opens with the Input Data Selection panel (Step 1 of 5). The Layout Manager and ENVI Orthorectification Wizard also appear.
- Click the
button next to the Input Images section. The Select Input Files dialog appears.
- Select an input image that you previously opened in ENVI.
- Click OK. The Select Sensor Type dialog appears.
- Select the sensor type for your input image. Click OK.
- Click
next to the Input DEMs section to select one or more DEM files for input. The DEMs should cover a contiguous map region about 10% or greater than the total image area (to account for relief displacement), and elevations should be expressed in meters above sea level. Areas not covered by a DEM are set to a reference elevation of 0 meters.
- Click Next to continue. The Layout View Area of the Layout Manager shows the boundaries and names of each input image and DEM. The first image that you selected for input is added to a new display group.
Next, proceed to Collect and Edit Ground Control Points.