| |
CalculateAndRasterizeCropMetrics Task
| Calculates statistics from a single-band raster and an associated ENVIAgCrops object. |
CalculateAndRasterizeCropMetricsWithSpectralIndex Task
| Creates a spectral index image and calculates statistics from it and from an associated ENVIAgCrops object. |
CalculateAndRasterizeZoneMetrics Task
| Calculates statistics from a single-band raster and an associated ENVIAgZones object. |
CalculateAndRasterizeZoneMetricsWithSpectralIndex Task
| Creates a spectral index image and calculates statistics from it and an associated ENVIAgZones object. |
CalculateCropMetrics Task
| Calculates statistics from a raster and an associated ENVIAgCrops object. |
CalculateGetisOrd Task
| Creates a Z-score raster to find regions that are statistically significant. |
CalculateZoneMetrics Task
| Calculates statistics on individual zones contained in an ENVIAgZones object. |
ConvertZonesToShapefile Task
| Converts an ENVIAgZones object to a shapefile. |
CountAndRasterizeCrops Task
| Counts crops in a single-band input image and creates a classification raster with their locations and sizes. |
CreateAndRasterizeCropLocationGrid Task
| Estimates the crop count from a raster and a grid derived from three input points, and it creates a classification raster with their locations. |
CreateZones Task
| Divides an input raster into management zones, based on the desired number of application categories that you specify. |
CropCount Task
| Locates and counts crops in high-resolution, single-band images. |
CropsToShapefile Task
| Converts an ENVIAgCrops object to a shapefile. |
DevelopingHotspotColorSlice Task
| Creates a classification raster based on color slices that represent the difference of Z-scores between two rasters calculated from Getis-Ord Gi* hotspot analysis. |
EnhanceCrops Task
| Preprocessing step that enhances crops in a single-band raster. |
| Calculates statistics from a raster and an associated ENVIAgCrops object. |
| Creates a Z-score raster to find regions that are statistically significant. |
| Locates and counts crops in high-resolution, single-band images. |
| Reference to an ENVIAgCrops object, which specifies the locations and radii of crop centers found in a raster. |
| Returns a hash describing this object. |
| Saves an ENVIAgCrops object to a JSON-formatted text file. |
| Creates the object from its dehydrated form. |
| Accepts a crop index or an array of crop indices, and it removes them from the ENVIAgCrops object. |
| Converts an ENVIAgCrops object to a shapefile. |
| Reference to an ENVIRaster where crops have been enhanced. |