Cubic Spline Interpolation
IMSL_CSINTERP: Derivative end conditions.
IMSL_CSSHAPE: Shape preserving.
B-spline Interpolation
IMSL_BSINTERP: One-dimensional and two-dimensional interpolation.
IMSL_BSKNOTS: Knot sequence given interpolation data.
B-spline and Cubic Spline Evaluation and Integration
IMSL_SPINTEG: Integration.
IMSL_SPVALUE: Evaluation and differentiation.
Least-squares Approximation and Smoothing
IMSL_BSLSQ: Splines with fixed knots.
IMSL_CONLSQ: Constrained spline fit.
IMSL_CSSMOOTH: Cubic-smoothing spline.
IMSL_FCNLSQ: General functions.
IMSL_SMOOTHDATA1D: Smooth one-dimensional data by error detection.
Scattered Data Interpolation
IMSL_RADBE: Evaluates a radial-basis fit.
IMSL_RADBF: Computes a fit using radial-basis functions.
IMSL_SCAT2DINTERP: Akima’s surface-fitting method.