The Classic EVF to Shapefile tool converts selected .evf files to shapefiles and the Classic ROI to Shapefile tool converts selected .roi files to shapefiles. The shapefiles can then be used for classification training data.

Convert a Classic EVF to Shapefile

  1. From the Toolbox, select Vector > Classic EVF to Shapefile. The Select Input EVF Files dialog appears.
  2. Select one or more EVF files. Each file will be converted into a separate classification training data shapefile. The Output EVF Layer to Shapefile dialog appears.
  3. Enter an output directory and filename. If you selected multiple .evf files, you will be prompted to name the output filename for each.
  4. Click OK. Once complete, there will be a new polygon type shapefile for each input EVF file.

Convert a Classic ROI to Shapefile

  1. From the Toolbox, select Vector > Classic ROI to Shapefile. The Enter ROI Filenames dialog appears.
  2. Select one or more ROI files, then click Open. Each file will be converted into a separate classification training data shapefile.
  3. In the Select Data File Associated with ROIs dialog, select the appropriate data file. Map information is taken from this file and associated with the output shapefile(s).
  4. Select an output directory in the Browse for Folder dialog.
  5. Click OK. Once complete, there will be a new polygon type shapefile for each input ROI file.

If no map information is available, the shapefile will be generated without a projection (.prj) file; the shapefile will have no projection and will be pixel-based.